Sunday, November 23, 2008

Starcast for November 21 to December 20

The Sun's entrance into nomadic Sagittarius urges you to get out of your familiar environment. This sign embraces what is different, whether it is a person or a location. So, discover something new! You'll be quite outspoken when communicative Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 22, and so will everybody else! One of the most important astrological events of the decade occurs on November 26 with Pluto's entrance into ambitious Capricorn where it will remain for the next 16 years! Then Uranus turns direct on November 27 bringing change, excitement and unpredictability. Also on the 27th, the new Moon in to-the-point Sagittarius improves your aim as you look toward what's ahead. The Sun, Mercury and Mars travel though Sagittarius this month forming squares to the transiting Saturn Uranus opposition that was exact last month. Weigh your words carefully when Mercury squares Uranus on December 4 and Saturn on December 8. Then the Sun and warrior Mars conjunct on December 5 and Venus enters can't-we-all-be-friends Aquarius on December 7. The Sun squares Uranus on December 10 and Saturn on December 12. Then Mars squares rebellious Uranus on December 11. Mercury's entrance into pragmatic Capricorn on December 12 helps you get a plan together although emotions will be intensified with the full Moon in talkative Gemini on December 12. We end this solar period with a hard-working square between Mars and Saturn on December 15 when it is important to stop and consider what you are doing and why, making this a great time to consider sensible alternatives.

November 21: Jupiter trine Saturn

Both Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) are social planets that have something to say about the larger world. They are now in harmony with each other, which provides an easy way to improve your overall social and economic conditions. Take advantage by setting goals and utilizing the assistance and opportunities that are all around you.

November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius

As the Sun travels though this outspoken and future-oriented fire sign, you're ready to look at the road ahead and get an aerial view of your life. Where do you want to go? Whether you are making short-term plans or looking further ahead, you are asking the bigger questions now and may even be feeling philosophical about the choices you've made and the roads not taken. Sometimes it can be good to get out of your familiar environments. Since Sagittarius is a travel sign, this is a great time to plan a trip. Bon voyage!

November 22: Mercury enters Sagittarius

The communication planet traveling through such an outspoken sign is sure to bring plenty of statements followed by retractions and explanations! Honesty and frankness are hallmarks of this fire sign -- just make sure you mix in a little sensitivity or you may say something you regret. No sign is more enthusiastic than Sagittarius, so this is a wonderful time to dream big!

November 26: Pluto re-enters Capricorn

Last January 25, intense Pluto entered Capricorn for the first time since 1778 when the prevailing mood shifted from the Pluto in Sagittarius issues of morals (who is right and who is wrong) to more pragmatic, earthy issues. We moved from 'what I believe' to 'what I want to build.' On June 13, Pluto retrograded back into Sagittarius giving you the opportunity to clear the decks and prepare for this new journey. Now Pluto re-enters Capricorn, where it will be until 2024. No more exploring! Put you passport away and park your car in the garage because the intensity of Pluto's focus is now on what you will build over these next years.

November 27: Uranus turns direct; New Moon in Sagittarius

Are you feeling restless or rebellious? Do you want to be in charge of your own destiny instead of having others tell you what to do or who to be? Good! When this independent planet changes direction, its power is strong. You are being asked to liberate yourself from old habits and conditioning. Embrace change and be flexible so you can take advantage of this new cosmic climate. And let the fresh energy of the new Moon in aim-oriented Sagittarius help you in your efforts!

This new Moon will most affect those born November 19-25, February 23-27, May 24-28 and August 26-30.

December 4: Mercury square Uranus; December 6: Mercury square Saturn

Saturn is concerned with the rules, while Uranus loves to break them! Your mind will be buzzing when Uranus connects with Mercury and may have more thoughts than you know what to do with! Why don't you write them down in a notebook so you don't forget them. Then Mercury traveling through outspoken Sagittarius receives a challenge from Saturn, and you'll need to defend your point of view. Do your homework and you'll be fine!

December 5: Sun conjunct Mars

When these two come together, the sheer energy of the duo can become explosive or unbelievably productive, and it will be up to you to decide where you want to direct this dynamic energy. Because both are in belief-driven Sagittarius, you're likely to become involved in situations where you need to defend or advocate your point of view. The trick is to be strong and confident and avoid ego battles. Find out where this conjunction takes place in your chart so you can take full advantage.

December 7: Venus enters Aquarius

The relationship planet in such a friendship-oriented sign brings out your social side, and you'll naturally want to mingle with like-minded people. If you are single, this is a fabulous transit to meet someone through shared interest activities or through a friend. Married or in a committed relationship and looking for couple-friends? Perfect! Use the energy of this transit to attend events that promote causes that are important to you. Chances are you will make life-long friends!

December 10: Sun squares Uranus and December 12: Sun squares Saturn

Even though the Sagittarius Sun with its freedom-loving ways has a natural affinity with independent Uranus, this square still presents the challenge to break free from old self-definitions. As Saturn weighs in, self-assessment is emphasized. Ask yourself where you can build upon your experience while still integrating healthy changes that liberate you out of unproductive patterns.

December 11: Mars squares Uranus

There are few combinations that are as rebellious as when these two get together! One thing's for sure: you won't want anyone telling you what to do -- although you're sure to be challenged now! As always when Uranus is involved, liberating yourself from old patterns is essential. Whichever way you're used to doing things, do yourself a favor and step back, see what's working, what's not and proceed from there.

December 12: Mercury enters Capricorn

With all of the independent, rebellious energy this week, Mercury's departure from philosophical Sagittarius and entrance into this earthy, pragmatic sign will help stabilize your thinking so that you can come up with a sensible plan. Communicate what you want using practical ideas and concrete specifics to get the best results. Your work and career goals can get a boost as you turn your best thinking to advancing yourself in these areas.

December 12: Full Moon in Gemini

Nervous energy is high and your emotions are on high alert with this particularly emotional full Moon. The reason for this is the major aspect pattern -- the Grand Cross --which is the dominating influence. The Saturn-Uranus opposition squares the full Moon and warrior Mars sits next to the Sun. A war of words is likely with threats of action. Everybody will need to take a deep breath and not over react. This goes for countries and individuals. Do whatever you can to not add to the noise. Somebody has to keep their cool and it may as well be you!

This full Moon will most affect those born June 10-14, September 12-16, December 10-14 and March 10-14.

December 15: Mars square Saturn

You're doing what you want to do, but suddenly you're stopped in your tracks. This gives you the opportunity to weigh carefully exactly where you want to go. People in authority are unlikely to greenlight your projects or plans, and delays in general mark this period. Instead of trying to drive with the brakes on, seek alternatives. Something needs to be taken into account before you can proceed. Don't push since delays may ultimately be helpful to you. Take your time. Just because things don't come easily is not a reason to give up. Just reconsider how you're going about getting what you want
Enjoy the Sun's transit in Sagittarius!

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